Dear Sir/Madame,

I am aware that the deadline has passed for any comments on 'whether to introduce a new scheme whereby  all citizens in Wales will be presumed to have consented to organ donation unless they file a formal refusal prior to their death.'

I am very much against this.

Organ donation is a very deep emotional area.

Corneas and kidneys can be taken from a dead body and used, as well as other body parts …….. BUT ……. hearts are a different matter.   A dead heart is no good to anyone, so has to be taken from a live body, albeit on 'a life support machine'

I have spoken to a Dr an anaesthetist who confirms my feelings by what he has in fact seen.

A donation is a gift, ‘organ donation’ it is called, but you are taking away the gift, it is no longer a gift, a free will offering, if you go down the route you are tentatively planning at his stage.

I hope you will think long and hard ........ and pray about it.

Yours very concerned,

Eve Gilkes (Mrs)